I Bought a “V Shred” Program

If you haven’t heard of “V Shred” they’re a team of internet marketers (erm, “fitness experts”) who sell fitness programs and supplements, mostly through YouTube ads.

The face of the operation is one Vince Sant, and you can immediately see seven reasons why he was chosen — 6 “packs” and 1 jawline.

During these ads, he generally promises a system where you can lose fat eating whatever you want, a program tailored to your “body type”, overpriced supplements that…I kid you not…

“work by temporarily speeding up your metabolism and tricking your body into using your fat stores for energy rather than the carbs in your bloodstream.”

or special workouts that will provide extraordinary results.

Between you and me, it’s all bullshit.

Every single word out of his mouth is bullshit.

And so I bought a program of theirs, to prove it.

I went with their cheapest possible program, their “big arms” program.

Hey, I’m not made out of money.