Problem Solution Essay Examples

A problem-solution essay presents a complicated case and brainstorms its possible solutions. Most such tasks will require you to do some preliminary research.

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The structure of this writing type is different from a standard five-paragraph essay. Start with introducing the circumstances where the problem emerged. Then describe the issue and mention why its resolution is critical. After that, suggest one or several solutions (they usually take up the main body paragraphs). And conclude with an evaluation and call for action.

You can consult problem solution essay examples for free to see how other high-school and college students dealt with the assignment.

304 Best Problem Solution Essay Examples

Effects of Information Literacy on Scholarship, Practice and Leadership in Teaching Profession

The first and the most obvious negative aspect of the introduction of information literacy into the field of SPL in the sphere of teaching profession is the abundance of sources and the search for the [. ]

Dairy Crest Company’s Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard The balanced scorecard refers to the strategic planning and management system that is deployed widely in business institutions, as well as governments with the aim of aligning business operations to the vision as [. ]

Responsible Factors for Climate Change

On the other hand, the anti-scientists hold the view that global warming is not a consequence of the human activities, and that the scientists' views are for selfish gains meant to transform the world's economy. [. ]

Asylum Seekers in Australia

This framework implies that the country has a right as well as duty to protect the interests of the citizens of the state.

The Curriculum and Instruction Specialization

The main problem associated with the topic is the different level of the students' abilities in perceiving and understanding the same material, and the way to overcome the problem is the concentration on the methods [. ]

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Customer Relationship Management Systems

The success of a CRM system depends on the quality and reliability of customer data. The model is beneficial because it facilitates the integration of the new system with existing systems for rapid data transfer.

Handling a Depressed Youth

This means I will have to come up with properly structured questions in order to establish the real cause and the extent of Manuel's depression. I will ask his parents and siblings to make him [. ]

Fundamentals of Fashion and Design

Through this strategy, the firm will be in a position to design and develop fashion products that align with the customers' needs and expectations.

Solving the Issue of Crime

As the director of the county juvenile court, the research question related to the problem at hand should state as follows: What are cost effective methods of solving the proliferation of violent street gangs in [. ]

Ethical Issues in Supervision of Postgraduate Research Students

Research is the cornerstone of most postgraduate studies and the supervisory relationship between the doctoral student and supervisor is crucial to the success of the research project.

Customer Service as a Part of Business Strategy

The use of the term "customer service" requires delineation to ensure that there is not confusion with other aspects of customer care in the business. The important issue in regards to the definition of customer [. ]

Maggie: A Girl of the Streets

The purpose for the referral is the feelings of despair and guilt from which the woman suffers. In spite of the problems within the family with the mother and brother, Maggie hoped she could improve [. ]

Donaldson Family Foods Management

Specifically, the non discursive approach employees of the Donaldson Family Foods Company have adopted in explaining and exploring shared and coordinated actions on roles does not functions in the exchange of information in a professional [. ]

Strategic Business Plan: Small Size Dog Boarding Business

Business Goals/ Objectives The goal is to transform the speed of the entire business structure and the business environment that affects every sphere of the internal communication issues in the business.

CNN’s Service Offerings and Differentiation Strategy

While the US is a single national market, CNN seeks to achieve more competition in the delivery of its news by giving all the country's regions special attention.

Consideration for Ethics and Diversity Proposal

Miscommunication is one of the diversity considerations that are prevalent in my division. This will in turn increase productivity of the workers hence profits.

Project Management: Green Fashion Store

However, the project manager will ensure that the various sub-components of the project contribute towards completion of the entire project. In a bid to determine the cost of the project effectively, the entrepreneur will use [. ]

Road Traffic Accidents: Epidemiology of an Injury

Despite the attempts that have been undertaken in order to address the issue of road accidents, the number of the latter does not seem to be going to decrease any time soon; however, with the [. ]

Nicos Canine Hotel – Financial Plan

The fund contributors will be allocated shares in line with the total capital that the company requires for the expansion of the business.

Aquatic Life in Indiana

While it is imperative to underscore the role of technology in social and economic development, it is agreeable that the effects of motor boating in shallow lakes of Indiana are apparent and detrimental.

Fossil Fuel, Nuclear Energy, and Alternative Power Sources

It is important to keep in mind that the amount of coal is decreasing and there is no guarantee that people will be able to discover more.

Strategic Planning: Starbucks

It is vital for Starbucks to persist with the process of implementing the historic mission and vision statements that have been key towards the growth and development of the company since the 1970s.

Nursing Shortage Problem

It will equally show the effects of shortage of nurses in this organization in relation to the workload of each nurse.

Performance Appraisal System Adoption

The Employee Performance Appraisal System should enable the managers provide objective descriptions and evaluations of the employees' performance standards. By implementing this appraisal system, each departmental manager will set objective goals with his or her [. ]

Change Management at the BITEME

Moreover, it enables an organization to determine the ability and possibility of achieving the goals and objectives of individual projects within the company.

ABC marketing Company Recruitment and Selection Processes

According to Huselid, It should however be noted that, a number of companies that fail in the process face a lot of difficulties and rather than inviting success for the company or organization, the recruitment [. ]

The Workforce Merging: Sandstone University and Redbrick Institute

The government main's interest is to have the institution offer more courses to the public and acquire as many students as possible to boost the university courses and have people opt for the All star [. ]

Operations Management Strategies at Arnold Palmer Hospital

In the case of a hospital, some major considerations that are necessary to factor in are the movement of personnel and patients.

Change Management in Recruitment

Sometimes, a change occurs due to challenges or forces from within or outside the business, which make it necessary for the organization to adjust to be at a better position to face the challenges, or [. ]

TMO Analysis: “Wave and Wind in One”, Emerging Technology by Floating Power Plant

To assess the different emerging technologies in floating power plant.-To study the ecosystem and evaluate the biological and non-biological standards involved in evaluating and protecting it.-To observe the management and application of floating power plant.-To [. ]

Cybercrime: Gary McKinnon’s Hacking Event

It is the lack of effective controls that accounts for most hacking incidences, as depicted by the case of Gary McKinnon who was able to gain unauthorized access to NASA and pentagon systems, deleting crucial [. ]

Financial Fraud Phenomenon and Its Major Types

On the statement of balance of the firm, fraudsters are usually interested in altering the figures of the assets, liabilities or the equity of the firm in order to portray false information regarding the position [. ]

Ethical Issues in Apple Inc.

Steve Jobs worked as the president of the company during its early years and left the management of the company after conflicts arose from the board of directors.

Tourism Contribution to Poverty Reduction

Managers usually make targeting errors such as poor delivery of tourism benefits to the poor and accruing tourism benefit to the rich in the society.

Strategic Thinking and Strategic Leadership

In terms of looking at strategy as a position, the focus by Mintzberg, Ahlstrand and Lampel is on the organisation and the position that it occupies in the respective market that it serves.

Addressing the Nurse Shortage

Focusing on the developed economies, the situation of recruitment and retention of healthcare workers, especially the nurses who are core to caring services in the healthcare, remains a contention in leading economies of the world.

Web Presence Creation in Business

To drive the position about the relevance of a web presence home let us consider purchases of vehicles in the US prior to 1995.

Farm Standard Council Case: Cost Allocation

Some costs cannot be classified as either fixed or variable costs and yet they have to be allocated somewhere in the process of allocating costs to different cost centers.

Red Bull Company Marketing Strategy

The three main reasons for the success of Red Bull's market strategy is its representation of a subculture, concentration in a niche market and the perceived social benefits of consuming the drink.

Conflicts in the Business Communication

With the help of other employees, the situation calmed down and the fight was put to an end between the two workers.

Health Issues: Designing Senior Environments

In addition, the number of utilities within the facility influences the behaviour and health of seniors. This will boost their level of significance in the society.

Introducing E-Waste Management Course in the College

The objective of the course would be to ensure that the youths are responsible for the management of wastes, especially the electronic wastes.

Management Issues: Effective Team Formation

The second section of the article deals with some of the critical issues relating to team formation and development, including team composition, team size, roles and responsibilities of each team member, as well as the [. ]

Project Management – The Development of Hotel X

The paper explains the various processes of identification of particular risks associated with the project. The methodology led to the identification of unique or distinct risks associated with the entire process of the development of [. ]

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

The view of Tammy about her parents' irresponsibility in her life is one of the irrational thoughts. In this regard, the client would be able to identify the thoughts and behaviors that affect her life.

Observing the Team: When Efficiency Depends on Team Control

According to the authors, another good method that can be used to observe the work of a team and check its quality is the nonlinear dynamic model which is supposed to outline the optimum team [. ]

Managing Contemporary Warehouses

Warehouse managing is the skill of moving and storing items in a warehouse. Before the introduction of WMS in supplies and operations management, warehouse managers and employees depended on paper and clipboards inventories.

Kuwait’s Desert Pollution

Obviously, the given problem might seem not that important if to observe the general environmental situation of the country, which is extremely close to that of the environmental catastrophe, but as an ordinary citizen, who [. ]

Tesco Strategic Decisions

The computer and internet system seems to be one of the thorns that the company should be looking at; the failures that the company is getting are coming from adopting technology that is outdated or [. ]

An Exploration of the Application of Environmental Ethical Thought to Animal Rights

A good example to illustrate the scope of hunting as an environmental problem that is associated with the polar bear is to look at its nature in Canada and the United States of America.

Customer Satisfaction Management

Even though time and effort are important factors in determining the improvements to be made in services and products, customers still remain to be the main determinants of the future success of the business.

Organizational Culture, Its Missions and Objectives

They are the kind of relationship between the workers and the company's administration, the nature of the hierarchical model of command and the general viewpoint of the workers concerning the future of the company.

Marketing Plan for Quikfix Integrated Glucose Meter and Insulin Pump by Medtronic’s Inc. Company

A marketing plan is a strategy that is often laid down by a company with an intention of satisfying the needs of the target customers as well as achieving the ultimate goals of the company.

The Incident Command System: High-Reliability Organizing Tasks

Having a unity of command increases the responsibility of the heads and improves the flow of information, which is expected to boost safety operations due to proper coordination of efforts.

Ancol Pty Ltd Management Issues

Ancol Pty ltd had an issue managing the human capital time management and the time they served their employer; the removal of time clock has the following consequences: Deterioration of the spirit of team work [. ]

Enormous Challenge in Agility DGS

During the suspension of the contract, DGS had to bear the brunt of the deferral on its own, as the supplier's government protected it.

Leadership Decisions and Globalization

With globalization, a problem should be looked from the global perspective; that is how it has affected the current business in the domestic country and how it is likely to affect the company in other [. ]

Discouraging and Eliminating Cyber Bullying

Resources Role of the resource/input Statement forms To facilitate information transfer to the staff Counseling Personnel To arm students against the problem Bullying report system To create efficient internet enhance report system Regulation implementation documents [. ]

Environmental Friendly Strategy for Quality Computers Limited

As opposed to the obsolete misconceptions concerning the negative impact of the eco-friendly strategies on the companies' profits, the concept of the triple bottom line which comprises the three P shows that the human, ecological [. ]

Organ and Blood Donation

However, ethical and legal issues, and unwillingness of many potential donors to provide consents have slowed down the rate of organ and blood donation in the county.

Is Virtue Ethics Dead in Modern Organizations?

In fact, the environment of the global economy often contributes to the evolution of the phenomenon of CSR and the adoption of new responsibilities by the staff due to the cultures fusion.

Recommendations on Reversing Change Errors

In order to create a clear picture of the above description, there is a need to create systematic change initiatives that address the needs through prioritization of different change instruments to ensure that the outcome [. ]

Organisational Behaviour: Job Satisfaction

Tanya should present Wendy's case to the top management of the clinic and also propose an immediate suspension pending the determination of her case.

Planning Financial Strategies

In this regard, the presented solutions, particularly their focus on spreading the markets with low utilization of medical services and increasing the number of plan participants, will lead to the increase of the premiums.

Technology Failure in Business

The choice of the technology framework was direct, with scaling in size and functionality being the key determinants that led to the purchase and installation of the Infosys' solution called 'Finacle'.

Change Management Plan

Proposed change In the 12-month program, the proposed change is to introduce total quality management principles and tools in the management of Saudi Arabian education institutions taking place under the Ministry of Education.

Innovative Services: Emirates Airline

The airline is the largest in the Middle East. The practice has made it easier for Emirates Airline to satisfy the needs of its customers.

Business Failure and Its Prevention

In addition, the view of failure as a good thing is backed by the fact that a business can set up a team to investigate the factors that were responsible for the failure and offer [. ]

The Unequal Distribution of the Ill-health Burden

The high cost of medical care, the increasing disease complexities, and the unequal distribution of wealth due to the varied degrees of determinants of health, are regular health care concerns.

Host Country Analysis and International HRM Issues

As subsidiaries operate in foreign countries, the parent company's CEO strives to align the management practices of the subsidiaries to the practices of the parent company.

Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation

The first guideline is setting the right rules in order to make the process successful. The first step of the negotiation process is planning.

The Conflict Between Boston Charter Schools and School Districts

The establishment of the charter school system was a response to the flaws of the system, and an introduction of the model, that could authorise and build capacity in the education system of the [. ]

Wawa: Supply Change Management

The company's supply chain cannot produce the best goals. This new supply chain will also promote the company's brand.

The Asian-Pacific Region and Australia

Thus, it advises the government and seeks to advance the interests of the country in the Asia-Pacific region and internationally. The proliferation of weapons in the region is also an important security threat to the [. ]

Abuse of Using Drug Medicine in UAE

With this in mind, it is possible to analyse UAE in order to see state of affairs in this country and have a look at the problem of drug addiction.

Arabtec Operation Management Project

The first stage of inventory management is sourcing for the raw materials needed for manufacturing of the products, while the last stage is the process of delivering finished products to the customers in the market.

Reform of Education in California

This is one of the points that can be made. The main advantage of this policy is that it can contribute to the academic achievement of many students.

Union National Bank: Big Data Application

This report will discuss the strategies that can be used to develop Union National Bank's information system to exploit the potential of big data. This will help in identifying the type of software that will [. ]

E-Commerce System for a Clothing Company in Abu Dhabi

Consequently, the following is the work breakdown configuration: Work Breakdown Configuration for the Development and Implementation of the e-Commerce Application Project Preliminary Study/Survey Understanding the Apparel Market and its trends in marketing and selling Evaluation [. ]

Creating a Comprehensive Sustainability Practices

In essence, this aspect means that the plan requires the management of the organisation, the staff, and the clients to work together.

BMW Entry Plan into International Market

6% in 2012 and GDP per capita was $547 in 2010; however, income from exports contributed 50% of the national GDP; however, the next table shows more information: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 GDP Annual [. ]

New Ideas for Improving the Company

Benchmarking of the mapping, executing and managing processes Benchmarking of the channels for planning and execution of production and distribution goals has the effect of reducing costs of supply chain management since the company will [. ]

Marketing Strategy for a Multinational Company

The marketing management unit will need to use the strength of the Lenovo Brand to enhance competitiveness of this product in the market.

Waste Disposal of Victoria City

Since the quality of wastes is above the amount which is allowed for disposal through the council, the company should begin by getting waste disposal certificate and observe the rules of disposing the hazardous wastes.

New Governance in the European Union

In fields where the skills are imparted between the Member States and the Union, the open technique for coordination may be seen as an issue component to distinguish where an activity of the Union may [. ]

Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to Rogue States and International Terrorists

The success of deterrence to curb any act of terrorism rests on the ability of a nation to deploy the power to hurt or harm other nations as a motivating factor for the target nation [. ]

“Clarke: Transformation for Environmental Sustainability” by Laszlo, McCabe, Aheam and Ghatde

Dissatisfaction among the staff due to the lack of comfort in transportation; Drops in the speed of the product delivery, as well as the transportation of raw materials and, thus, the overall reduction in the [. ]

Employee Health and Safety at Goliath Gold Mine

In order to reinforce the same, supervisors and employees should sign the work contract with a clear knowledge of the principles of the code of ethics.

Route-to-Market Methods and Strategies

With these considerations, it is important to examine the available options for the MS Technologies Limited and determine the RTM options that will fit the company's products, size and industry in the target markets.

Giving Performance Feedback

The ultimate aim of the performance feedback process is to tune the employees to act in a given desirable manner. It is very critical that the management ensures that their process of assessing the employees' [. ]

The Standards of Risk Management

These are some of the benefits that can be identified and students should not overlook them. In other words, the management should consider the opinions of various stakeholders in order to identify the threats to [. ]

Globalization of Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Wales

As the consultant, I have addressed these issues in my analysis of the situation and the implications of the various options which are available to the client.

Factors affecting marketing strategy: Nodan Yogurt

Nodan is one of the many yoghurt products that the store sells, and the management has realized that some consumers have developed the habit of purchasing Nodan exclusively.

Knowledge Management: Processes and Technologies

Concepts The level of the economy and the social being of the company result from a change in the processes in the company, and knowledge is a major cause in the changes.

Primark’s Market Entry

According to Dunning, the concept entails the managerial and financial capabilities of the firm to survive in the given foreign market.

Project Plan – The Hiring Process

The scope of the project will be on the premises of the main objective that it will the management will aim at achieving, which will be improving the efficiency with regard to hiring new workers.

Sustainability and Slums

Under each aspect of sustainability, the discussion will touch the expectation of sustainability, the policies that focus on the issues, the problems experienced in comparison to those policies, and the solutions to those afflictions.

Anglo American PLC in South Africa

The directors, employees, the government, suppliers, the community, and the customers are some of the stakeholders of the company. The number of employees and contractors that the company has in South Africa are infinite, and [. ]

Walmart in the South

The implementation of NAFTA helped to solve most of the problems that Walmart was facing. As a result of the new manufacturing companies, Walmart does not need to import some of the products.

Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company

In the process of balancing the act, a quality operations management system should be capable of applying the scientific skills in an artistic manner through informed and perfectly framed use of soft skills to address [. ]

Online Shopping Platform for La Donna Boutique

By using online services, La Donna cost of production will be reduced because it will be selling goods directly to the customers and this will make producers to get rid of costly intermediaries. The e-commerce [. ]

Limits on the Social Financial Assistance and Support

Although the government's programs oriented to supporting the people in need are necessary and helpful, the definite time limits and specific requirements for receiving such a kind of assistance should be developed and fixed because [. ]

Combating Smoking: Taxation Policies vs. Education Policies

This is a considerable provision in the realms of health; hence, the efforts created by the government to curb this trend should be supported fully. In this regard, there is need to reduce the mentioned [. ]

Cryptology and Data Protection

The key will be used to encrypt data for sending to the warehouse and the same key will be used to decrypt data on receipt from the warehouse.

The Political Views of Muslim Americans

The political views of Muslim Americans compare to the rest of the American religious public The largest number of Americans believe that Muslims pose a threat to the American society.

Let’s Go Kids Camp

These innovative interventions aim at encouraging the children to make appropriate decisions and appreciate the merits of their preference in living a healthy life.

Retail Clinics: An Evolving Trend

As indicated, the key stakeholders who hold strong interest in the legal and regulatory standards in a retail clinical setting include the nurses, physicians and patients.

Duties of Health Care Professionals During Pandemic of Highly Contagious Diseases

Second, the shift should also be introduced to the employment environment with regard to the duties of health care professionals during pandemic.

The Equality Act 2010 and Individual Employment Rights

Since this study focuses on the case of Ladele and McFarlane with reference to the principle of conscientious, religious objection to same-sex relationships, we shall only look at elements of the Act that deal with [. ]

Procter & Gamble: Marketing Plan and Evaluation

However, it seems that the company must consider not only the issue of competitiveness, but also the company's reputation in the eyes of the population. With these issues in mind, the company is most likely [. ]

Family History and Substance Abuse Treatment

In addition, the treatise offers a comparison between the behavior of 'a child of an addict' and 'an adult child of an addict' in order to establish appropriate approaches for offering counseling for each of [. ]

Following the Tracks of the Case Study: When Trust Stretches too Far

Planning is a natural element of any business venture and one of its most crucial stage; at the given stage, the assessment of risks and threats that the company can possibly face in the course [. ]

Effective Communication: Presenting One’s Ideas

When one has an idea or plan that is good that should be presented to the manager, it should be done in the most appropriate manner.

Moral Leadership and Business Ethics

In the determination of what is right or wrong in the business setting, it is important to take into consideration the nature of the activities and the stakeholders to be affected by the decisions.

Global Business Study – The Hofstede Study

Therefore the problems that Azure Sky Tea will face in its endeavor to expand business are as follows: The differences in the core culture between the national cultures The difference between the corporate culture induced [. ]

Statistical Analysis of the Republic Of Pakistan

Since the exports of this country are highly concentrated, they should be dispersed Fiscal balancing The economic managers should focus on raising more revenues in tax and reducing the expenditure to be able to meet [. ]

Designing Educational Spaces: A Birth-To-Eighteen-Year-Old Training for a Rich Parent

As for the scope of the research, it will be necessary to embrace the specifics of the development of the students of specified age.

Implementing Telemedicine Solutions: Grand Hospital

Unwillingness of the staff to be hired in the behavioral health area would also hinder the implementation of telemedicine solutions in the hospital.

Public Procurement – Post Disaster Development Haiti

In the event of deprivation of the natural resources, the investors will return to their mother country and leave nothing for the locals.

The Partridge-Raleigh Oilfield Explosion in 2006

In order to make a proper assessment of the accident, it is necessary to carry out thorough investigation in order to find out the real cause of the accident besides establishing why the accident happened. [. ]